Intellectual Disability & Global Developmental Delay
Patients with mild intellectual disability may function well with some support or supervision, while those with profound intellectual disability require assistance in every aspect of life. While there is no treatment for ID, some of the conditions causing it (e.g., metabolic errors or hypothyroidism) can be treated. Much also can be done to limit secondary disabilities, optimize functional abilities, and assist the affected child and his/her family in adapting to the condition. In children younger than 5 or with profound delay who cannot be reliably tested, the term “intellectual disability and global developmental delay” is often used. However, with an increased emphasis on function in diagnosis, it would be reasonable to diagnose children with clear, non-reversible global delay as having intellectual disability.
Other Names & Coding
F70, Intellectual disability, mild
F71, Intellectual disability, moderate
F72, Intellectual disability, severe
F73, Intellectual disability, profound
G93.40, Static encephalopathy (encephalopathy, unspecified)
F88, Global developmental delay (other disorders of psychological development)
R62.50, Developmental delay (unspecified lack of expected normal physiological development in childhood)
Coding for Intellectual Disability ( provides
further coding details.
Note that static encephalopathy
(G93.40) or global developmental delay (F88) are considered ICD-10
diagnostic codes, while developmental delay is a finding/symptom code.
Diagnostic codes are preferred for billing purposes.
Practice Guidelines
Practice Guidelines are limited by the level of evidence and low diagnostic
yields for much of the recommended testing, as well as limited insurance
coverage of some tests. These guidelines should be used with these caveats in
mind. A combination of the 2 guidelines below is usually the most cost-effective
and yields the best results.
Moeschler JB, Shevell M.
Comprehensive evaluation of the child with intellectual disability or global developmental delays.
2014;134(3):e903-18 (reaffirmed 2020).
PubMed abstract / Full Text
Shevell M, Ashwal S, Donley D, Flint J, Gingold M, Hirtz D, Majnemer A, Noetzel M, Sheth RD.
Practice parameter: evaluation of the child with global developmental delay: report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee
of the American Academy of Neurology and The Practice Committee of the Child Neurology Society.
PubMed abstract / Full Text
Roles of the Medical Home
The medical home can:
- Schedule health maintenance visits frequently enough to identify and address new issues.
- Ensure that the family has access to reliable information, community services, and resources.
- Coordinate care and interpret information or advice from specialists.
- Facilitate access to private providers or other systems of care if the child does not qualify for government- or school-sponsored services, such as occupational, physical, or speech therapies.
- Assess parental stress, sibling problems, and social supports during follow-up visits; referral to support organizations and agencies may be particularly useful if the family is headed toward a crisis.
- Connect families with others in similar situations in order to provide support and alleviate the sense of isolation.
- Ensure that children with ID are provided opportunities for socializing and recreation.
Clinical Assessment
- Treatable diagnoses that might mimic ID, such as severe auditory or visual impairment or neurologic disorders, must be ruled out.
- Reversible or treatable causes, such as hypothyroidism, toxic exposures, or other metabolic conditions, should be considered and tested.
- Suspicion of ID should be confirmed with norm-referenced testing for IQ and adaptive functioning. Opinion in the literature is mixed regarding the earliest age at which a diagnosis of ID is reasonable. It is usually possible in the preschool years, earlier for more severe cases, but not reliably until age 5. [Shevell: 2003] Diagnosis of ID and determination of the etiology are separate processes. While the etiology may be elusive, a diagnosis of ID should be possible in nearly all affected children. The Portal's issue page on Missing issue with id: 15179e9f.xml lists available tests for IQ/development, adaptive behavior, achievement, and behavior. Most children will be evaluated by psychologists in the community or particularly in schools. Mental Health Evaluation/Assessment (see NM providers [8]) and General Counseling Services (see NM providers [10]).
- Determining the severity of ID with psychometric and adaptive function testing can help determine prognosis for independent living.
- Determine the needs for educational interventions and support for the child and family through testing and comprehensive evaluation by the school and/or community agencies and professionals.
- Identify the genetic or environmental non-reversible etiology, if possible, through medical history (including 3 generation family history) and physical exam (e.g., a large head circumference may indicate fragile X syndrome, or distinctive facial features might suggest Cornelia de Lange syndrome). An etiology can be found in about 2/3 of individuals with severe ID but in only about 1/3 of those with mild ID. A small number of etiologies may be treatable. [Engbers: 2008] [Mueller: 2008] Knowing the cause can help determine prognosis, the risk of recurrence in the family, and predict the child's ability to live independently in the future. The process of finding this etiology should be happening concurrently with the formal testing and procurement of needed resources.
Pearls & Alerts for Assessment
Developmental delay vs. intellectual disabilityThe term “global developmental delay” (GDD) is usually reserved for younger children (typically younger than 5 years), and the term “intellectual disability” (ID) is usually applied to older children when IQ testing is valid and reliable. ID involves both cognitive and adaptive or functional components. Delays in development, especially those that are mild, may be transient and lack predictive reliability for ID or other developmental disabilities. Developmental delay affecting multiple development domains may be intellectual disability, but further testing or passage of time may be needed to clarify this. Patients with severe delays in multiple domains have a higher likelihood of having ID and, if profound, may be diagnosed with ID sooner.
Children with autism may have normal intelligenceIt may be more difficult to evaluate the cognition of children with an autism spectrum disorder.
Misdiagnosis of seizuresMany children with ID display behavior or have physiological events that appear clinically similar to seizures, but they cannot be distinguished based on observation alone. These patients should be referred to a neurologist for further evaluation. [Chapman: 2011]
For the Condition
Clinical Classification
- Borderline: IQ low and functional status is low, but not below the 3rd percentile. These patients often require resources, but they may not meet criteria (usually set by each state) for intellectual disability
- Mild: Able to function with some support, the majority of patients with ID fall into this category
- Moderate: More limited independent function, more assistance required
- Severe: Very minimal adaptive function with assistance
- Profound: No adaptive functioning possible, even with assistance, extremely low IQ
Differential Diagnosis
ID should only be diagnosed when there is clear evidence that cognitive abilities and adaptive behaviors are significantly below average (usually less than or equal to the 3rd percentile), and there is no reasonable expectation that this will change significantly with time. Temporary conditions (e.g., the convalescent period after a brain insult such as meningitis or trauma, the response to early neglect, or the response of children soon after foreign adoption) are excluded by definition. ID also excludes the very young when cognitive ability and adaptive behaviors are not easily measurable. This is especially true in mild cases because children with mild developmental delay are more likely to improve and not meet the defining characteristics noted above.
Medical Conditions Causing Intellectual Disability & Global Developmental Delay
- Inherited/chromosomal: PKU, hypothyroidism, fragile X syndrome, Trisomy 21, tuberous sclerosis, autism. Approximately 15% of males with nonspecific ID may have an X-linked syndrome. [Stevenson: 2009]
- Factors associated with pregnancy: Intrauterine infections, toxins (including drug and alcohol abuse, prescription drug effects), abnormal brain development (e.g., cortical dysplasia), and hypoxia/ischemia (placental insufficiency)
- Birth-related hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, extreme prematurity (associated with delays, but not independently causal of ID)
- Post-natal infection, head injury, abuse/neglect, malnutrition, lead/mercury exposure
Comorbid & Secondary Conditions
Childhood Absence Epilepsy
- Patients with ID may be mistakenly diagnosed with epilepsy based on inattention or abnormal stereotyped behaviors.
- Many patients with epileptic syndromes also have ID. However, the presence of epilepsy that is adequately controlled is not adequate as an etiology for ID.
Cerebral Palsy
- Often present from perinatal causes of ID, such as hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, prematurity, ischemic stroke
- Anxiety Disorders
- Oppositional behavior disorders
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (FAQ)
Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Autistic features may increase the challenge in determining if the patient also has ID, or only has autism.
History & Examination
Current & Past Medical History
Parents may not realize that sleep issues are potentially treatable; the medical home should ask about the child’s sleep habits, history of snoring, and any daytime sleepiness at well-child visits. See Screening for Sleep Problems and Sleep Issues.
Family History
Pregnancy/Perinatal History
- Difficulty conceiving, intrauterine infections or maternal illness, toxins (including drug and alcohol abuse, prescription drug effects), abnormal brain development (e.g., cortical dysplasia), and hypoxia/ischemia (placental insufficiency)
- Birth-related factors such as hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy during labor (and Apgar scores) and extreme prematurity
- Birth weight/height and occipital frontal circumference (OFC) for evidence of placental insufficiency or a genetic syndrome
- Prenatal screening or testing, type of delivery and why, weight gain and difficulty feeding during the first few weeks, and bonding/attachment
Developmental & Educational Progress
Ask about behavior problems and Self-injurious Behavior; mental health problems are frequent in children and adolescents with ID.
Social & Family Functioning
Physical Exam
Growth Parameters
Ht | Wt | OFC for deviations from typical growth charts, head shape, presence of open fontanelle or early closure, failure to thrive, and whether symmetric or head-sparing, any evidence of asymmetric growth (right versus left)
Note head size and shape. Look for distinctive facial features. Ask parents who the child looks most like in the family. Look for epicanthal folds, ear position/shape/size, prominence of chin or forehead, size and shape of eyes, ears, mouth, philtrum. Check hair for abnormal texture or color.
Sensory Testing
Laboratory Testing
MRI is preferred over CT in almost all cases (unless the examiner is looking for calcifications, as in congenital CMV). The risk of sedation for an MRI and the parents' desires should be considered, along with the potential utility of the information gained.
An EEG only should be performed when clinical seizures are present. When a seizure syndrome is suspected, an abnormal EEG does not add to the evaluation or treatment unless there are concerns for seizures.
A skeletal survey and other imaging may be recommended as part of a genetics consultation. A sleep study should be performed if clinically indicated.
Genetic Testing
If no etiology is found on CMA, testing for fragile X syndrome may be warranted even when the child does not fit the clinical syndrome, particularly if history or exam findings are suggestive of a genetic cause. [Curry: 1997] Genetic testing is best guided by a geneticist or neurologist.
Both whole exome and whole genome testing are rapidly becoming more readily available and affordable as testing options. These tests should only be performed after the family is referred to either a geneticist or genetic counselor to discuss implications.
Medical home providers should work closely and communicate clearly with the consulting geneticist or genetic counselor when interpreting CMA test results. [Moeschler: 2014] Findings may be pathogenic, benign, or a variant of unknown significance. Variants of unknown significance are often the most challenging to explain to families.
Other Testing
Norm-referenced testing for IQ and adaptive functioning is critical to confirm the diagnosis, provide some idea of the child's prognosis, guide therapeutic interventions, and, in some cases, a diagnostic workup.
Specialty Collaborations & Other Services
General Counseling Services (see NM providers [10])
Medical Genetics (see NM providers [2])
Biochemical Genetics (Metabolics) (see NM providers [1])
Pediatric Neurology (see NM providers [5])
Pediatric Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (see NM providers [3])
Pediatric Ophthalmology (see NM providers [6])
Developmental - Behavioral Pediatrics (see NM providers [2])
General Counseling Services (see NM providers [10])
Psychiatry/Medication Management (see NM providers [3])
Sleep Study/Polysomnography (see NM providers [2])
Treatment & Management
Pearls & Alerts for Treatment & Management
Underlying condition can cause challenging behaviorsCarefully check for underlying medical conditions, such as dental abscess, constipation, or other causes of pain, which may be causing challenging behaviors in individuals who may not be able to express their needs.
Perceived regression as child agesThe degree of ID is generally stable throughout life, although it may seem to be worsening as the child gets older and gaps in ability widen when compared with peers. Even children with profound ID may differ little from their peers at 1 year of age but are very different at age 10. Concern for regression, as opposed to stable disability, would be a reason to consider referral to a neurologist or developmental pediatrician. An in-depth discussion with parents can usually clarify whether the child is having perceived or actual regression.
How should common problems be managed differently in children with Intellectual Disability & Global Developmental Delay?
Growth or Weight Gain
Development (Cognitive, Motor, Language, Social-Emotional)
Over the Counter Medications
Prescription Medications
Development (general)
Specialty Collaborations & Other Services
Developmental - Behavioral Pediatrics (see NM providers [2])
Developmental Assessments (see NM providers [105])
Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities/Delays (see NM providers [34])
Specialty Collaborations & Other Services
School Districts (see NM providers [90])
Mental Health/Behavior
Externalizing behaviors, including aggression and Self-injurious Behavior, require a thoughtful history and physical exam looking for medical causes for disruptions of behavior (poor sleep, gastroesophageal reflux, dental caries, ear infection) and environmental causes (new aide at school, social isolation, new sibling, etc). Once these issues have been investigated, behavioral analysis and behavioral intervention are recommended.
Medication management of behaviors should only be considered after the previous recommendations have been instituted. Consultation with developmental pediatrics or child psychiatry is recommended before considering the use of antipsychotic medication. Often, phone consultation is available to primary care providers if medication is being considered. In general, medications should be started at low doses and titrated gradually.
Evaluating sustained and focused attention and impulse control is important since treating attention problems behaviorally and/or pharmacologically might maximize the child's potential by helping him/her to be more cognitively "available" for instruction and intervention. Such evaluation should be performed by specialists and may include assessment of speech, language, gross and fine motor development, social and emotional responsiveness, play imitation, non-verbal communication, attention and impulse control, intelligence, learning abilities, and more. An interdisciplinary approach is recommended for management, including professionals from social work, child psychology, developmental pediatrics, and child psychiatry, in addition to primary care physicians and educators when possible.
Specialty Collaborations & Other Services
Psychiatry/Medication Management (see NM providers [3])
Pediatric Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (see NM providers [3])
General Counseling Services (see NM providers [10])
Social Workers (see NM providers [0])
If a child with ID has difficulty sleeping, look for signs and symptoms of underlying medical problems (e.g., gastroesophageal reflux, dental caries) and obstructive sleep apnea (obesity, large tonsils, loud snoring). A sleep study may lead to diagnosis of a causative factor, such as seizures, apnea, or restless leg syndrome, which have potential treatments. Nonspecific treatments, such as melatonin or sleep medications, may also be useful.
Specialty Collaborations & Other Services
Sleep Disorders (see NM providers [0])
Pediatric Otolaryngology (ENT) (see NM providers [11])
Two subgroups at especially high risk for oral health problems are people with Down syndrome and people unable to cooperate for routine dental care. [Anders: 2010] Children with genetic syndromes or other diagnoses that are known to be associated with ID have a relatively high incidence of enamel hypoplasia and delayed eruption. Children with ID may have problems with tongue-thrust and bruxism and may demonstrate oral self-injurious behavior. The medical home should inquire about dental problems and refer to dentists comfortable with this population. Oral Care for People with Disabilities (National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research) provides information for people of all ages with disabilities and dental care. Also, see Dental and Oral Health Screening and Oral Health.
Specialty Collaborations & Other Services
General Dentistry (see NM providers [12])
Pediatric Dentistry (see NM providers [6])
Specialty Collaborations & Other Services
Dieticians and Nutritionists (see NM providers [1])
- Negative attitudes about the sexuality of these individuals [McCabe: 1993]
- The assumption that teens with disabilities do not need this information
- The lack of available sex education specific to people with disabilities
- The presence of intellectual impairment that might complicate the understanding of the sex education material
- Concerns about sexual exploitation in this population - individuals with ID are more likely to be abused than those without ID [Mansell: 1998]
- Body image/self-esteem concerns on the part of the adolescents
Specialty Collaborations & Other Services
Gynecology: Pediatric/Adolescent; Special Needs (see NM providers [0])
Ask the Specialist
Will insurance pay for genetic testing?
Not all health plans in the US will cover genetic testing, regardless of who orders it or the nature of the encounter during which it is ordered (i.e., inpatient vs. outpatient). Typically, the medical genetics team has expertise and experience in payment for genetic testing.
Should I order the genetic testing or wait until patient is seen by genetics?
In a nondysmorphic patient with GDD/ID of unknown etiology, chromosomal microarray should be performed, but wait until the child is seen by genetics or neurology (in patients with neurological symptoms or seizures) unless the medical home is comfortable providing assistance with preauthorizing the testing and discussing the results with the family. Genetic counseling is also recommended whenever performing any genetic test. Any abnormalities should be reviewed with the help of a medical geneticist.
Should I perform imaging prior to consulting neurology or a developmental pediatrician?
This is certainly reasonable in the setting of abnormal head size, focal findings on neurologic exam, or extrapyramidal signs. Imaging may also be pursued in cases of intractable epilepsy or focal seizures, but these patients will usually already be seeing a neurologist. [Moeschler: 2014] In a patient <8 years of age who would need sedation in order to have imaging performed, it is reasonable to consult neurology first. It is also recommended to perform imaging at a center that has specialty in neuroradiology or pediatric neuroradiology whenever possible. MRI brain without contrast is the preferred study except where a concern for craniosynostosis exists.
Resources for Clinicians
On the Web
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Promotes progressive policies, sound research, effective practices and universal human rights for people with intellectual
and developmental disabilities.
Developmental Disabilities (CDC)
Information about developmental disabilities, including facts, research, articles, multimedia, and tool; Centers for Disease
Intellectual Disability (ASHA)
Comprehensive information on intellectual disability, including signs and symptoms, incidence and prevalence, causes, assessment,
and treatment; American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
Helpful Articles
PubMed search for intellectual disability in children, last 2 years.
van Karnebeek CD, Stockler S.
Treatable inborn errors of metabolism causing intellectual disability: a systematic literature review.
Mol Genet Metab.
PubMed abstract
Bass N, Skuse D.
Genetic testing in children and adolescents with intellectual disability.
Curr Opin Psychiatry.
PubMed abstract
Clinical Tools
Assessment Tools/Scales
Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3)
Parent-completed, age-specific questionnaires that screen for developmental delays in children between 1 month and 5½ years
old; available for purchase.
Parent's Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) site
PEDS and PEDS:DM provide 5-minute screenings, longitudinal surveillance, and triage for developmental as well as behavioral/social-emotional/mental
health problems. Can be completed by parent self-report, interview, or administered directly to children; available for a
Questionnaires/Diaries/Data Tools
Sleep History Questionnaire ( 20 KB)
A 14-day sleep tracker and 1-page questionnaire about sleep routines and behavior.
Resources for Patients & Families
Information on the Web
Forms for Education
Descriptions and links to forms that can be adapted for states and Local Education Authorities (LEAs), usually school districts,
or charter schools. Topics include evaluation and service recommendations, special dietary needs, medication administration,
and authorization to release information; Medical Home Portal.
A Family Handbook on Future Planning (ARC)
Helps families develop a plan that provides personal, financial, and legal protections for their children with cognitive,
intellectual, or
developmental disabilities after the parents either die or can no longer provide care; a publication of The Arc of the United
States and the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC)
on Aging with Developmental Disabilities.
Intellectual Disability (MedlinePlus)
Information for families that includes description, frequency, causes, inheritance, other names, and additional resources;
from the National Library of Medicine.
Learn the Signs Act Early (CDC)
Offers many tools, videos, lists, learning materials, and a developmental Milestone Tracker app (ages 2 months to 5 years);
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
National & Local Support
The Arc
A national, community-based organization advocating for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their
Center for Parent Information and Resources
A large resource library related to children with disabilities. Locate organizations and agencies within each state that address
disability-related issues.
A Guide to the Individualized Education Program (DOE)
Archived Information. Gives a detailed guide to the IEP process, along with information about special education and IEPs;
U.S. Department of Education.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Official U.S. Department of Education website of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act including Part B (ages 3-21)
and Part C (ages birth-2).
Clinical Trials in Intellectual Disabilities (
Studies looking at better understanding, diagnosing, and treating this condition; from the National Library of Medicine.
Services for Patients & Families in New Mexico (NM)
Service Categories | # of providers* in: | NM | NW | Other states (3) (show) | | NV | RI | UT |
Biochemical Genetics (Metabolics) | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 2 | |||
Developmental Assessments | 105 | 1 | 5 | 35 | 54 | |||
Developmental - Behavioral Pediatrics | 2 | 1 | 3 | 12 | 9 | |||
Dieticians and Nutritionists | 1 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 7 | |||
Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities/Delays | 34 | 3 | 30 | 13 | 51 | |||
General Counseling Services | 10 | 1 | 211 | 30 | 260 | |||
General Dentistry | 12 | 1 | 12 | 66 | 85 | |||
Gynecology: Pediatric/Adolescent; Special Needs | 3 | 9 | ||||||
Medical Genetics | 2 | 1 | 5 | 4 | 7 | |||
Mental Health Evaluation/Assessment | 8 | 9 | 24 | 129 | ||||
Neuropsychiatry/Neuropsychology | 1 | 3 | 9 | 5 | ||||
Pediatric Dentistry | 6 | 2 | 28 | 59 | 50 | |||
Pediatric Neurology | 5 | 5 | 18 | 8 | ||||
Pediatric Ophthalmology | 6 | 1 | 6 | 8 | 4 | |||
Pediatric Otolaryngology (ENT) | 11 | 1 | 5 | 7 | 10 | |||
Pediatric Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation | 3 | 3 | 3 | 6 | 11 | |||
Psychiatry/Medication Management | 3 | 37 | 80 | 55 | ||||
School Districts | 90 | 4 | 64 | 42 | ||||
Sleep Disorders | 2 | 1 | ||||||
Sleep Study/Polysomnography | 2 | 1 | 4 | |||||
Social Workers | 7 | 13 | ||||||
Special Education/Schools | 81 | 2 | 8 | 34 | 42 |
For services not listed above, browse our Services categories or search our database.
* number of provider listings may vary by how states categorize services, whether providers are listed by organization or individual, how services are organized in the state, and other factors; Nationwide (NW) providers are generally limited to web-based services, provider locator services, and organizations that serve children from across the nation.
Authors & Reviewers
Author: | Gary Nelson, MD |
Reviewer: | Sarah Winter, MD |
2015: update: Meghan S Candee, MD, MScR |
2009: first version: Lynne M. Kerr, MD, PhDA; Chuck Norlin, MDR |
American Psychiatric Association.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-5.
Fifth ed. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association;
American Psychiatric Association: DSM-5 Task Force.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Fifth ed. The American Psychiatric Publishing;
Anders PL, Davis EL.
Oral health of patients with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review.
Spec Care Dentist.
PubMed abstract
Bass N, Skuse D.
Genetic testing in children and adolescents with intellectual disability.
Curr Opin Psychiatry.
PubMed abstract
Battaglia A, Carey JC.
Diagnostic evaluation of developmental delay/mental retardation: An overview.
Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet.
PubMed abstract
Battaglia A, Doccini V, Bernardini L, Novelli A, Loddo S, Capalbo A, Filippi T, Carey JC.
Confirmation of chromosomal microarray as a first-tier clinical diagnostic test for individuals with developmental delay,
intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorders and dysmorphic features.
Eur J Paediatr Neurol.
PubMed abstract
Chapman M, Iddon P, Atkinson K, Brodie C, Mitchell D, Parvin G, Willis S.
The misdiagnosis of epilepsy in people with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review.
PubMed abstract
Curry CJ, Stevenson RE, Aughton D, Byrne J, Carey JC, Cassidy S, Cunniff C, Graham JM Jr, Jones MC, Kaback MM, Moeschler J,
Schaefer GB, Schwartz S, Tarleton J, Opitz J.
Evaluation of mental retardation: recommendations of a Consensus Conference: American College of Medical Genetics.
Am J Med Genet.
PubMed abstract / Full Text
A consensus statement regarding a rational clinical approach to a child with intellectual disability including history, physical
exam and recommended testing.
Engbers HM, Berger R, van Hasselt P, de Koning T, de Sain-van der Velden MG, Kroes HY, Visser G.
Yield of additional metabolic studies in neurodevelopmental disorders.
Ann Neurol.
PubMed abstract
Fan Y, Wu Y, Wang L, Wang Y, Gong Z, Qiu W, Wang J, Zhang H, Ji X, Ye J, Han L, Jin X, Shen Y, Li F, Xiao B, Liang L, Zhang
X, Liu X, Gu X, Yu Y.
Chromosomal microarray analysis in developmental delay and intellectual disability with comorbid conditions.
BMC Med Genomics.
PubMed abstract / Full Text
Kaunitz AM, Arias R, McClung M.
Bone density recovery after depot medroxyprogesterone acetate injectable contraception use.
PubMed abstract
Mansell S, Sobsey D, Moskal R.
Clinical findings among sexually abused children with and without developmental disabilities.
Ment Retard.
PubMed abstract
McCabe MP.
Sex education programs for people with mental retardation.
Ment Retard.
PubMed abstract
Moeschler JB.
Genetic evaluation of intellectual disabilities.
Semin Pediatr Neurol.
PubMed abstract
Moeschler JB, Shevell M.
Comprehensive evaluation of the child with intellectual disability or global developmental delays.
2014;134(3):e903-18 (reaffirmed 2020).
PubMed abstract / Full Text
An AAP Clinical Report that provides guidance for primary care clinicians assisting families in preparing for a genetic evaluation;
reaffirmed 2020.
Mueller S, Sherr EH.
The importance of metabolic testing in the evaluation of intellectual disability.
Ann Neurol.
PubMed abstract
Oeseburg B, Dijkstra GJ, Groothoff JW, Reijneveld SA, Jansen DE.
Prevalence of chronic health conditions in children with intellectual disability: a systematic literature review.
Intellect Dev Disabil.
PubMed abstract
Sattler, J.
Assessment of Children.
Third Edition ed. San Diego: Jerome M. Sattler Publisher;
Shevell M, Ashwal S, Donley D, Flint J, Gingold M, Hirtz D, Majnemer A, Noetzel M, Sheth RD.
Practice parameter: evaluation of the child with global developmental delay: report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee
of the American Academy of Neurology and The Practice Committee of the Child Neurology Society.
PubMed abstract / Full Text
Stevenson RE, Schwartz CE.
X-linked intellectual disability: unique vulnerability of the male genome.
Dev Disabil Res Rev.
PubMed abstract
Stojanovic JR, Miletic A, Peterlin B, Maver A, Mijovic M, Borlja N, Dimitrijevic B, Soldatovic I, Cuturilo G.
Diagnostic and Clinical Utility of Clinical Exome Sequencing in Children With Moderate and Severe Global Developmental Delay
/ Intellectual Disability.
J Child Neurol.
PubMed abstract
Szymanski L, King BH.
Practice parameters for the assessment and treatment of children, adolescents, and adults with mental retardation and comorbid
mental disorders. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Working Group on Quality Issues.
J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry.
1999;38(12 Suppl):5S-31S.
PubMed abstract
A review of mental health disorders in the DD/MR population. Although possibly more frequent in this population, psychiatric
disorders are essentially the same as in normally developing children; however, behavioral observations are very important
due to decreased verbal skills in this population.
Tolaymat LL, Kaunitz AM.
Long-acting contraceptives in adolescents.
Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol.
PubMed abstract
van Karnebeek CD, Stockler S.
Treatable inborn errors of metabolism causing intellectual disability: a systematic literature review.
Mol Genet Metab.
PubMed abstract
Walsh JS, Eastell R, Peel NF.
Effects of Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate on bone density and bone metabolism before and after peak bone mass: a case-control
J Clin Endocrinol Metab.
PubMed abstract
Zablotsky B, Black LI, Blumberg SJ.
Estimated Prevalence of Children With Diagnosed Developmental Disabilities in the United States, 2014-2016.
NCHS Data Brief.
PubMed abstract
Zablotsky B, Black LI, Maenner MJ, Schieve LA, Danielson ML, Bitsko RH, Blumberg SJ, Kogan MD, Boyle CA.
Prevalence and Trends of Developmental Disabilities among Children in the United States: 2009-2017.
PubMed abstract / Full Text