Pain Management

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A clinic specialized in Pain Medicine, a primary medical specialty concerned with the study of pain, the prevention of pain, and the evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of persons in pain. (adapted from (NUCC Taxonomy)

Note: Service listings do not represent a recommendation or endorsement by the Medical Home Portal staff or its sponsoring organizations; nor do they reflect any assessment of the quality or value of a listed Service.

Service Legend
Local Service
Statewide Service: Provides online resources, telehealth, or service at a satellite office.
Nationwide Service: Provides online resources, telehealth or services at a regional/national headquarters location.
318 Abalone Loop
Mescalero, NM 88340
Phone: 575-464-4441
318 Abalone Loop
Mescalero, NM 88340
Phone: 575-464-4441
Source: University of New Mexico, Center for Development and Disability
Last Updated: 7/11/2023
Nationwide Provider
PO Box 7762
Wilmington, DE 19803
Nationwide Provider
PO Box 7762
Wilmington, DE 19803
Source: MHP-Nationwide
Last Updated: 3/2/2023